SCIF - Suriname Capital Investment Fund
SCIF stands for Suriname Capital Investment Fund
Here you will find, what does SCIF stand for in Firm under Finance category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Suriname Capital Investment Fund? Suriname Capital Investment Fund can be abbreviated as SCIF What does SCIF stand for? SCIF stands for Suriname Capital Investment Fund. What does Suriname Capital Investment Fund mean?The firm is located in and deals in venture capital & private equity.
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Alternative definitions of SCIF
- Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility
- Secure Compartmented Intelligence Facility
- State Compensation Insurance Fund
- sensitive compartmented information facility
- State Compensation Insurance Fund
- Smart Cities India Foundation
- Secure Compartmented Information Facility
View 16 other definitions of SCIF on the main acronym page
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